I am passionate and committed to my own personal development and growth, and helping others in theirs.
I am a soul-centred psychotherapist living on the beautiful Devon/Cornwall border, on the edge of Dartmoor in the Tamar Valley. I work face-to-face in Tavistock, Devon and Launceston, Cornwall. I also work online with people across the UK, and worldwide.
I began my journey as a psychotherapist in 2010. This also facilitated my own personal growth. I have always been reflective and curious about my own reactions and behaviours. My training enabled me to understand more about myself in ways I wasn’t even aware of. I have journeyed far, wide and deep within myself to create a life of love, for myself, my fellow humans, and for nature. I have undertaken many trainings, which each in their own way has aided my development. I also grow and develop by having my own therapy, supervision and various body-based modalities including cranial sacral therapy, osteopathy, kinesiology, and myofascial release to name a few. I also pay attention to what I ingest, both with food and drink but also TV, films, social media, books etc. One of my guides is, if it creates anxiety in my body, I then often choose not to ingest it.
One of my biggest journeys for personal growth was in trying for a baby. I spent 10 years in this endeavour trying various healing modalities and medical interventions. I also had a lot of personal therapy to work through the pain, the expectations and the reasons why I wanted a baby. This story does have a happy ending, but not the one that you might expect. I gave up trying after 10 years on my 40th birthday. I understood what was driving me to want a child and I came to understand the patterns that had repeated in my family. I made a deep and contented peace with not having a child. I am grateful for the journey of self-discovery I went on and the understandings I learnt about myself on the way. I say to people that this is the best thing that never happened
Navigating this challenging journey of self-discovery and healing has deepened my resilience and enriched my ability to support others as a therapist. Our biggest challenges can be our biggest teachers, if we are willing to face the pain and discover the learning it holds for us.
I love working with people that are ready and willing to dive in and find out what is at the root cause of their symptoms and issues. I have a natural skill for seeing the roots of an issue, problem or pattern and I have the intuition, skills, training and experience to help you resolve and integrate the leaning and healing. If you would like to work together, please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.