Emotional Health ~ Soul Wisdom

If you have found yourself in a place of being stuck, and you have tried various things that you think will help but so far it hasn’t…. then I can help you.

I know what it feels like to be stuck and frustrated, to have tried to make changes or to implement new behaviors which haven't worked. I also know the feeling of relief to have found the root cause and to have finally healed them.

Most of the issues that we think of as issues are actually defenses or coping mechanisms, such as anxiety, depression, people pleasing, procrastination, eating disorders and addiction to name a few. These aren’t the problem; they are the symptom of a deeper, hidden problem.

We need to get to the root causes that create these issues. These roots might be located in childhood experiences, past life experiences or ancestral trauma.

I am very experienced in helping people get to these root causes, quickly. It might be that you (unknowingly) have Complex-PTSD from a difficult childhood. You might have past life traumas that you are still carrying or it could be transgenerational trauma from your family. Once the roots have been found we can work together to heal, dissolve or resolve what has got stuck and to then integrate this learning into your system. This will then free you to live how you want to live, to make decisions and choices from your authentic truth rather than from a place of survival.

Having been on this journey myself, I have a real and embodied experience in which I can help facilitate this shift for you.

In working together, I can help you understand and clarify the difficulties that you are having in your life. What is it that you need to resolve or dissolve in order for you to live authentically and in alignment with your own inner truth? Let’s find out together.

I have a natural skill for seeing the roots of an issue, problem or pattern. This has been enhanced with extensive training in Psychotherapy, Energy Psychotherapy, Family Constellations Shamanic Practice and Attachment re-templating. I have a unique set of skills that synthesise these into one skillset that I can use to help you.

This is soul work, this is soul healing.

Emotional Health

For me this means going through our daily lives contented, resilient and responsible for ourselves. Being able to put in to action the changes that we want in our lives and being able to live it the way we want. This sounds easy, but there are many things that get in the way of this. Often it comes down to our core beliefs and values of ourselves, others and the world. All the experiences that we have had from our conception to adulthood create the blueprint that we function from. If you have subconscious beliefs that go against what you are trying to achieve, such as “I’m not good enough” (which most people do) then this is going to make your life harder.

Soul Wisdom

We all have soul wisdom, but it can be difficult to tune in and listen to as most of us have stopped trusting ourselves. This can be through explicit traumatic experiences or the drip, drip, drip of everyday life. When we listen to our soul’s wisdom our lives can be everything we have dreamed of and more.

I am an intuitive integrative psychotherapeutic counsellor, energy psychotherapist and family constellations practitioner. I am also integrating contemporary shamanic practice in to my work, using shamanic journeying and the medicine wheel. I work psycho-spiritually to help you get back in touch with your soul wisdom, to release that which no longer serves you and to reclaim lost parts of yourself. So you may lead a bright, joyful, empowered and purposeful life.

Hermione Brown

Hermione Brown

Energy Psychotherapist
Family Constellations Therapist
Shamanic Practice Therapist
Psychotherapeutic Counsellor BSc.

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."

Albert Einstein